Guarini Global Law & tEch team
Benedict Kingsbury has been Faculty Director of the Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies since its founding in 2018. As well as overseeing NYU's Law Abroad and global moot court programs, since he heads the Guarini Global Law & Tech initiative launched in 2018, and convening with Professors Joseph Weiler and Thomas Streinz the regular Guarini Colloquium on Regulation of Global Digital Corporations, Benedict Kingsbury is Vice Dean and Murry and Ida Becker Professor of Law at New York University School of Law. He has served as Director of the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ) since its founding in 2002. His major current projects focus on large scale global ordering such as TPP and the Belt & Road Initiative (Megareg); physical, digital, and informational infrastructure (Infrareg); and global data/tech law. His research projects on global governance have been supported by the National Science Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Email: benedict.kingsbury[at]
MORITZ ALFRED SCHRAMM | Adjunct Professor & Affiliate
Moritz is a research scholar at Guarini Global Law & Tech and the Institute for International law and Justice (IILJ) as well as an Adjunct Professor at New York University Law School. Moritz teaches the Guarini Colloquium on Legal Controls of Digital Corporations with Joseph H. H. Weiler. He obtained his PhD in law and JD equivalent at Humboldt-University of Berlin and was a postdoctoral researcher at Guarini Global Law & Tech in 2023. Moritz received several international awards for his work and is an editor at Verfassungsblog and the European Journal of Legal Studies. His research focuses on private and regulatory governance, especially in the digital realm.
Twitter: @schrammmo
Ngozi Nwanta is a JSD student from Nigeria. She received an LL.M. from NYU in 2019 as a Hauser Global Scholar and an International Finance and Development Fellow. Ngozi also holds an LL.B. degree (first class honors) from the University of Nigeria and obtained a Bachelor at Law (B.L) degree from the Nigerian Law School. Ngozi is licensed to practice law in Nigeria. Prior to pursuing doctoral studies, Ngozi was an associate in the Lagos and Abuja offices of Aluko & Oyebode. She also works as a Short-Term Consultant with the Doing Business Unit of the World Bank Group. She is interested in development, finance, and the role of law in regulating identities, infrastructures and digital technologies.
THOMAS STREINZ | Senior Fellow
Thomas Streinz is Joint Chair in Law with interests in regulatory theory and regulatory institutions at the European University Institute’s Law Department and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in Florence. His current research interests focus on digital governance and global law and technology, in particular the regulation of the global data economy and the governance of digital infrastructures. As an Adjunct Professor of Law at New York University’s School of Law, Professor Streinz convened colloquia on the regulation of global digital corporations, taught courses on Global Data Law, and conducted interdisciplinary seminars on selected topics in Global Tech Law. Professor Streinz was the inaugural Executive Director of the Guarini Global Law and Tech initiative at NYU Law, where he retains an affiliation as a Senior Fellow.
Email: thomas.streinz[at]
Yirong Sun is a research fellow at Guarini Global Law & Tech and the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ). She holds an LL.M. in International Legal Studies from NYU Law, an LL.B. from Tsinghua University School of Law, and minored in Economics at Tsinghua University School of Social Sciences. She is also an alumnus of International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement Program at Tsinghua. Prior to joining Guarini Global Law & Tech, Yirong worked as a research assistant with Dr. Jane Willems in international arbitration seated in Hong Kong and Singapore. Her research focuses on space technologies and planetary governance.
Email: ys5086[at]
Twitter: @yirong_sun
SUNOO PARK | Faculty Fellow
Sunoo Park is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Affiliated Interdisciplinary Faculty at the NYU School of Law. Her research is in technology law and policy, with particular interest in the security, privacy, and transparency of digital technologies. In computer science, she does research in cryptography and computer security. She received her J.D. at Harvard Law School, her Ph.D. in computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and her B.A. in computer science at the University of Cambridge.
KATHERINE RIZKALLA | Admin & Research Scholar
Katherine Rizkalla is an administrator and research scholar at Guarini Global Law & Tech and the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ). She is a recent graduate of the University of Chicago, where she completed programs in ‘Fundamentals: Issues and Texts’ and ‘Philosophy and Allied Fields.’ Katherine is interested in bringing a legal philosophy perspective to international law at NYU.
ANGELINA FISHER | Director for Practice & Policy
Angelina Fisher is Director for Practice and Policy of Guarini Global Law & Tech and Adjunct Professor of Law at NYU Law. She holds an LLB from Osgoode Hall Law School and an LLM in International Legal Studies from New York University School of Law. She is the founder and co-teacher of the International Organizations Clinic. Her research interests include global governance of education, international organizations, and technologies of governance (particular uses of data and quantitative information).
Email: angelina.fisher[at]
Twitter: @AngelinaFisherD
NATHALIE SMUHA | Adjunct Professor & Affiliate
Nathalie Smuha is an affiliate of Guarini Global Law & Tech for the Fall 2024 semester. During this period, she will be co-teaching the Colloquium on Culture and Law as an adjunct professor at NYU School of Law alongside Professor Joseph H. H. Weiler. She is a legal scholar and philosopher at the KU Leuven Faculty of Law, where she examines legal and ethical questions around artificial intelligence and other digital technologies. Her research focuses particularly on the impact of AI on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. She is the academic coordinator of the KU Leuven Summer School on the Law, Ethics and Policy of AI, and a member of the Leuven.AI Institute and the Digital Society Institute. Besides her academic activities, Nathalie Smuha coordinated the work of the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI which drafted Europe’s Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, and she was a scientific expert in the Council of Europe’s (Ad Hoc) Committee on AI which is developing a new AI Convention. She is also a member of the UNESCO Expert Group on AI and the Futures of Learning, the OECD’s Network of Experts on AI, and AI4Belgium Ethics & Law.
Email: nas9215[at]
Twitter: @NathalieSmuha
MARCO GERMANÓ | Research Assistant & LLM Candidate
Marco Germanò is an LLM candidate at NYU Law School and a Research Assistant with the GGLT team. He holds an LLB from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and master's degrees from Peking University and the University of São Paulo. Before joining NYU, Marco worked with various universities and policy think tanks internationally. His research focuses on the transnational regulation of emerging technologies, the agency of the Global South in shaping digital infrastructure, and the role of law in governing open-source software supply chains.