Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies: Global Law & Tech

Territorial boundaries and distinctions between domestic and international, private and public, technical and political are becoming increasingly more blurred by digital interconnectivity, proliferation and collection of data, increasing prominence of transnational technology companies in public domains, technological innovations such as artificial intelligence and blockchain pioneered by private actors but increasingly used by public bodies for a wide range of purposes, and creation of digitally and physically inter-connected spaces that facilitate flows of funds, goods, services, and information.

Based in Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies at NYU School of Law, Guarini Global Law & Tech brings together in-depth inter-disciplinary study, practice, and exploration of legal and regulatory issues that are transforming legal practice in a new global landscape.

Guarini Global Law & Tech collaborates with and complements the work of colleagues at:

2025 Symposium: Space Law and Earth Justice (upcoming March)