Guarini Global
Law & Tech


Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies: Global Law & Tech

Territorial boundaries and distinctions between domestic and international, private and public, technical and political are becoming increasingly more blurred by digital interconnectivity, proliferation and collection of data, increasing prominence of transnational technology companies in public domains, technological innovations such as artificial intelligence and blockchain pioneered by private actors but increasingly used by public bodies for a wide range of purposes, and creation of digitally and physically inter-connected spaces that facilitate flows of funds, goods, services, and information.

Based in Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies at NYU School of Law, Guarini Global Law & Tech brings together in-depth inter-disciplinary study, practice, and exploration of legal and regulatory issues that are transforming legal practice in a new global landscape.

Guarini Global Law & Tech collaborates with and complements the work of colleagues at:

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NYU Law offers a wide range of courses on innovation and information law and policy. Guarini Global Law & Tech teaches new and innovative courses exploring global law and technology.


Guarini Global Law & Tech seeks to provide diverse and meaningful opportunities for JD and LLM students to explore legal practice in a globalized and digital world. Through externships, clinics, and fellowships students are exposed to global law and technology practice and can explore non-traditional career paths in transnational and technology law. Past opportunities have included

  • helping organizations create data protection policies and data governance regimes

  • examining the legal, regulatory and ethical implications of using artificial intelligence

  • creating frameworks for evaluating risks in digital development projects

  • working with UN agencies and NGOs on projects that entail the use of digital technologies in humanitarian and development work.


Guarini Global Law & Tech studies global legal and digital ordering through rule making, diffusion, emulation, contestation, and evasion. This includes transnational private governance by multi-national Internet platform corporations, legal and technological governance of emerging technologies such as distributed ledgers, inter-state rule-making for a global digital economy in megaregulatory treaty regimes, and other forms of socio-technical governance mediated through law. Students are involved though seminars, workshops, and conferences and as research assistants.


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